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RSS Feed Now Available

TDK has an RSS feed now as a replacement to Twitter. Email service soon via Venith?
TDK now has an RSS feed for you to use. This is what you'll be able to use to get notifications for things, you can use anything that allows you to subscribe to an RSS feed. I would highly recommend Mozilla Thunderbird because its both good for email and RSS (and even XMPP if you would prefer it over a regular XMPP client, works with IRC too however you can't download channel lists via it which sucks and some other features are missing).


As far as I know, mobile users are unable to get RSS updates. There might be an app for it. Wii (and likely Wii U) can get RSS updates via RSSMii. DSi/3DS can not receive RSS updates to my knowledge at this time. Other devices I am unsure about so just make sure you can find an RSS reader that supports your device.

Some Other Updates

Right now, Venith is just a simple podcast. I will attempt to make a forum site one day as I've said 100s of times, but whatever. If I figure out email services, everyone will be able to get their own email account for free. Default composing will use plain-text, but you will be allowed to use HTML composition if necessary. And yes, you'll still be able to view HTML emails due to how many services only use HTML as the default (such as mobile email-clients).

Also, I will likely make some other tutorial stuff on my main website soon with the video to image site trick.
Created August 18th, 2023 at 5:51PM.
Last updated August 18th, 2023 at 5:51PM (creation)
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